Danganronpa Series

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc


I’ve been wanting to play more visual novels. Coming from Corpse Party, I thought a hybrid might be a good choice so I finally pulled the trigger on Danganronpa, which is an adventure/mystery VN.

DR was on my list because it I heard it was weird. I am happy to report it is unapologetically weird. The offbeat, garish art style and combination of 2D/3D Sketchup-esque graphics took a little getting used to, and at first I wasn’t sure about it, but after a few days in-game it grew on me. I’m a little over halfway through (mid Chapter 4).

The exploration mechanic is okay. They wisely added a fast-travel map and there are indicators showing where the various students are hanging out, which is a boon for free time when you can socialize with classmates.

My big problem with DR is the gameplay mechanics. This is actually one of the big problems with hybrid VNs overall in my opinion. I think a lot of VN players don’t care about game mechanics (at best) or hate them (at worst). DR incorporates an intense round of mini-games during the trial phase of each chapter. This includes shooter and rhythm games. For the first few chapters, DR insists on constantly introducing new moves and rules, so you end up with a list of controls and mechanics you have to remember to do really basic things like object to an argument. The mini-games are hands-down the most annoying thing in the game. It seems like most of the commentary about the trial games are people complaining about the trial games. So I like the dramatic tone of discovery during the trials and shooting down your opponents statements with bullets is fun, but the more elaborate aspects of the mini-games can be infuriating, especially when you know exactly how to refute an argument logically but you can’t figure out how to do so mechanically.

DR is a linear game. There is only one path forward, so when you fail a trial game, you just keep playing until you get it right. Fortunately, they don’t make you start the trial over at the beginning. There are three difficulty levels, so it could be the easiest setting, gentle, is actually closer to the gameplay I want, I haven’t tried it yet.

The game does a lot of hand-holding where the mysteries are concerned. So far I’ve figured them all out well before the protagonist, and I’m not sure if that’s because I’m the sort of person who considers Nero Wolfe novels cozies or if that’s the case for most players. But this means there’s a path of evidence and none of the mysteries are seat-of-your-pants last-minute-new-exhibit stuff, which I appreciate.

Overall, the game is a lot of fun and very different from anything I’ve played before. A couple of the characters are annoying, but most really grew on me, some in surprising ways. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say each time a body was discovered I was happy if my faves didn’t die, then unhappy because this meant one of them might be a murderer. The banter is a lot of fun, the disparate personalities work well together, and the perplexingly-weird antagonist (yes, the bear) helps keep things lively.

Danganronpa: I finished the Chapter 4 trial and this probably goes without saying but


The bear is going down.

I’ll see you in hell, Monokuma.

Danganronpa 2 Reaction Post


ME: I should save Danganronpa 2. I’m working on a few different games right now anyway and

ME: *installs Danganronpa 2*

It is fitting that the sequel to such a weird game is somehow even weirder. The exploratory mode partly changes to a side-scroller perspective, and all it really does is exemplify that I’m WALKING PLACES, so I’m not convinced it’s a good design change. I’m not sure if they were just trying to add to the game-esque vibe or… I dunno. It does seem like the island maps are larger.

I have a neopet now. It shits a lot? At least I’ll never be alone.

They use the same VAs and there’s overlap between the character designs. This was disorienting, which I found appropriate. It just works. So imagine my delight when…

Byakuya Returns

This could not be more perfect. I’m going to be pretty crushed if they kill Byakuya. I think I like this cast more overall so far. The only one I really dislike is the Ultimate Cook, who I thought would be some loveable foodie and instead is a disconcerting, predatory creeper, fingers crossed that guy goes soon.

I think the decision to have Ultimate Lucky Student/blank slate character be an NPC is a good one. Yes, the MC is pretty blank-slatey in his own right, I assume he’s the Ultimate Detective. My guess is Ultimate Lucky will be the first down since he’s buddy-buddy with the MC.

I was wondering how far the friendship thing would go, I thought maybe it could continue for a few days as underlying creepiness seeps in over time, but, nope. No rest for the wicked.


Business as usual, cue hideous cackling.

Danganronpa 2: Chapter 1


Okay, that was awesome.

I was suspicious of Lucky after he drew the “unlucky” straw, but for the wrong reason–I thought he lied about his Ultimate talent and the MC was the Ultimate Lucky and he had some other nefarious talent. Of course, during the investigation he acts obviously suspicious several times, so while I concluded he must have been involved and there was one other person working with him, the trial still threw surprises at me. It was a satisfying blend of got-it and gotcha and I felt the complexities worked rather than detracted. Very nice.

I still don’t have a handle on the trial minigames but I managed to bumble through it. I hate the sword one but the others aren’t too bad.

Chef time

Teruteru had actually started to grow on me, in part because he has a great VA. I liked his motive and how he was manipulated by Lucky. His execution was so awful.

I REALLY like that Lucky is a psychopathic shit-stirrer. Because if he really is the Ultimate Lucky Student, that means he’s a preternaturally lucky shit-stirrer, and he’ll probably be around a while. He’s a good wildcard. Byakuya sort of filled that role in the first game at various points, which was part of why I liked him so much. Genocide Jack was unpredictable but not self-destructive.

I don’t know if it’s possible to get all of Byakuya’s friendship gems or whatever on the first PT, I talked to him a couple of times and he told me he would tell me about his backstory, and I was hoping that would shed some light on how he ended back up at Hope. I am considering travel shenanigans or something to do with alternate dimensions. Obviously with this series you can’t rule any possibility out.

I think I’ve figured out the Ultimate Yakuza’s deal, so I’ll probably focus on talking to him next. And the Ultimate Nurse, who I have a crush on for purely wholesome reasons. Aaaand I accidentally saw a spoiler for the Nurse, maybe. I have got to stop curious-googling these games before I’ve finished them.

Danganronpa 2: Chapter 2


So that happened.

Though the mystery in this chapter did not work as well for me mechanically, the outpouring of feels at the end was top notch. A++ WOULD FEEL AGAIN

My snek laid an egg and left me. So much for never being alone.

I liked having a different character team up with me for detective work, hopefully that will continue each chapter. As usual, I picked up the gist of what really happened but there were some nice surprises during the trial. I kind of hated the video game bit. I liked the fourth-wall aspect of it, and I even liked that it was a shitty video game, and I appreciated I had to actually play it, but I hated playing it, if that makes sense. That was the only section of the chapter that dragged, so it stuck out.

For me, the big weakness of this mystery was the serial killer fakeout. It was a weak and kind of weird complication for me, and I wish they’d come up with a better way to fabricate a motive for Peko. This is pure headcanon, but I felt like Monokuma respects Peko. If Fuyuhiko hadn’t intervened, her execution would have been oddly appropriate considering her personality and history, the Ultimate Swordsman fighting against an army until she is finally cut down. It was Fuyuhiko’s attempted intervention that made it tragic and I don’t think Monokumo could have anticipated that.

It was impossible to talk to Fuyuhiko during any of the free time periods, he wasn’t on the map, so I mostly talked to the Nurse (I’ll eventually be able to remember the names). I like her a lot but I have a feeling its only a matter of time before she is pushed too far and kills someone, she’s like a powder keg waiting to go off. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Fuyuhiko’s survival is now ensured.

Danganronpa 2: Chapter 3 (and early Chapter 4)


what the fuck just happened

In the plus column, I have this thing where I take a screenshot every time I laugh or otherwise have a verbal reaction to something that happens in Danganronpa 2. I have a lot of screenshots.

(apologies for the cut text formatting error, hopefully that didn’t ruin anyone’s life)

I think I’m to the ‘wild ride’ portion of the show, where things Happen and I don’t question it too much. I’m here for the ride.

The whodunnit for chapter 3 is pretty straightforward, and if you aren’t sure Mikan gives a dialogue clue drop at the beginning of the trial that’s kind of obvious (but totally in-character, because she’s such a nervous wreck all the time), but I found the way to present arguments a little confusing because IIRC there were several clues that kinda overlap. I’m just coming up with excuses for why I won’t get the achievement for a trial with no misses, that’s all.

Turns out my waifu has her own waifu [or husbando] and our love was never meant to be, even after she crawled into my bed. I’m sure being half-choked by her warm body will be the nicest thing that happens to me in this game. I thought Mikan’s execution would be something like her being on a dart board and being hit with a barrage of full syringes like darts. The phallic rocket arm didn’t work for me but it was Danganronpa Weird (tm) I’ll give them that.

I’m already into the weirdness of Chapter 4 and we haven’t gotten the murder announcement yet but I am upset because the game wouldn’t let me spend free time with Chiaki and she wouldn’t let me play the death game and these are the kisses of murder in Danganronpa 2. Previously when I was unable to talk to someone that person was involved in the trial. So I’m gonna put my cards on the table and say that Chiaki got the ultimate weapon and killed Mechanaru with it, and his clock and whateverbits will be clues and so on, and now we can’t have soda on demand. I believe Monokuma not-so-subtly set Mechanaru up by reminding the group that even though he was a robot his death would count as a murder.

I realllllllllly like Chiaki. Fuck my life.

I feel like the only way Chiaki would do this is to save the group from starvation, and if that’s the logic it doesn’t make sense that she’d try to “win” the trial, so I’m half-wondering if Nagito will engage in shenanigans to mix things up. Obviously I’m getting ahead of myself however.

I’m just now getting around to talking to Gundam (because I can’t talk to Chiaki anymore w h y) and I really like him. I like Sonia, and if they are a canon couple that is ridiculously cute. I’d ship the hell out of that.

Danganronpa 2: Chapter 4




THEy got me. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooh they got me. The Funhouse!! The EVERYeaytelak;jsdkjadsf. I’m really glad I still have Chiaki but I was just starting to really like Gundam! SONia -_-~~ fall my tears

And may I say that I actually kind of like shitty!passive-aggressive!Nagito? And how he keeps taking digs at Hajime?

May I also say outside Nagito I don’t think anyone left is capable of being a murderer?

Have I ever mentioned I are bad at gaem because I tell you what. mmhmmm

Danganronpa 2: Conclusion


Short version: the ending to Danganronpa 2 is exquisite.

Slightly longer version: The last two trials are epic. I realized what happened when Hajime and Chiaki discovered the poison, gloves, and mask in Nagito’s room, so the trial was this perfect blend of hope and despair culminating in the Super Twist of Despair and a giant virtual Junko, whose appearance I quite enjoyed. Well played.

The ending to DR1 was a little out there, but in the context of the universe the ending to DR2 was satisfying and worked for me, including the way the trial mini-game mechanics were utilized to tell the story.

Byakuya Returns

Somehow, I didn’t realize there was a vending machine on the beach, so I had trouble getting gifts and filling out report cards, but it seems you would have to do several playthroughs to get enough free time to fill the cards out. I will probably attempt to fill out the cards of my faves in island mode, at least.

As with DR1, around Chapter 5-ish I was ready for the game to be over, and then the finale Happened and I am so pumped for Danganronpa v3 now (dropping on September 26th at a fine digital retailer near you). DRv3 has a female protagonist and takes place in a different universe, so I am curious to see where they’ll take it.

Now, time for extremely scientific and rigorous cheevos analysis! 74% of Steam players start the game and 45% beat the game, which is a higher completion rate than DR1. DR2 has a lot of content and they make you work for a perfect game. The report card cheev stats loosely correlate with the trials, so those are a spoiler of sorts, but only about 10% of players max the report cards. There are some annoying cheevs like raise every type of pet, so I am unsurprised only 1.4% of players get a perfect game. hltb clocks a completionist game at 59 hours.

Anyway, if you like visual novel hybrids and detective games, I would recommend this series. They’re not perfect, I have issues with the mini-games and the trial arguments can be a little tricky sometimes, and some of the characters are definitely hit or miss, but overall these are funny, imaginative games with a lot of heart and I enjoyed them tremendously. Recommended for players who enjoy Feeling the emotions of hope and despair, or a blend of the two simultaneously.