Guru Logi Champ / Guru Logic Champ


Remember when I promised to bombard you with posts about weird games and then that never happened because I’m lazy? Well, here’s one, along with some screenshots to bolster the supply. I don’t really consider myself a puzzle game person, but I’ve found puzzle games are an excellent fit with my handheld play style (intermittent bursts).

Guru Logi Champ (sometimes called Guru Logic Champ) is a GBA picross/magical drop/etc hybrid puzzle game with a bunch of weird duck things called Champs. To date there are no English translation hacks, but English speakers can easily muddle their way through the menus and enjoy the highly emotive cut scenes.

The story is that the Champs are rescuing people from various mundane problems via the map-styled level select screen. Each level requires solving a certain number of puzzles. The player starts with mostly-finished block picture and is tasked with filling in the remaining blocks by adding/removing with a canon. When you complete all the puzzles in a level, you rescue someone! For level 2, a duck needs to take a dump but can’t get to the can cause it’s locked. The Champs are to the rescue, and manifest a key.

This is a fun puzzler that appears doomed to obscurity. It was put out by Compile but I guess the rights are in some type of limbo, which is a shame because if someone could slap a goofy translation on this bad boy and toss it on NSO it would surely find a new generation of fans. It hasn’t been overly difficult through stage 3, but I encountered a few puzzles that left me scratching my head until I had my aha moment. When you solve a puzzle, everyone cheers. A+