Sewer Rave


Sewer Rave by Autum Rain is, “a surreal randomized exploration game where you crawl around a rat infested sewer during a giant rave.” I have found myself playing this one off and on when I just really need to hang out with pretty friendly rats at a rave party. It can become repetitive but the atmosphere, hypnotic beats, and sheer weirdness make it easy to get lost in the game for a while.

The platforming segments with the movement cubes, which are frustrating due to bad controls, are my only beef, and even then when you fall into the sewer you can find another pipe to explore. The random generation only goes ‘forward’ so if you go back through a pipe you end up in a different room, which just adds to the trippiness.

You can beat the game, but it’s apparently still being actively developed so the mechanisms of that may change. For now, I view it as a chill place to hang out, eat some cheese, and talk to stoned rats. Sometimes I find rooms where I have no idea what is happening.

Apologies for the screenshot quality, I just realized I had f.lux on last time I played.